Cost of Tuiton
Below you will find the cost of tuition and each of our age groups.
Cost of Care at The Learning Tree
0-17 Months
In our infant room children discover toes, new foods, sounds and much more. Our infant rooms are a 2:10 ratio with 2 or more children be 18+ months. Teachers in this class work with parents to establish sleep and feeding schedules, ensure children hit milestones and socialize with other children. You can expect daily art, tummy time and outdoor walks (weather permitted).
Cost of Care:
Little Flower is $510.00 every 2 Weeks.
18-24 Months
In our Toddler 1 room children are crawlers or new to walking. Our Toddler 1 rooms are a 3:15 ratio. The teachers in this room work on transitioning children off bottles and on cups, out of cribs and onto sleeping mats and working with parents to introduce new solids. You can expect lots of sensory play, art, and music and movement from this class.
Cost of Care:
Little Flower is $495.00 every 2 weeks
25-36 Months
In our Toddler 2 room Children are walking or running :) around the classroom. Our Toddler 2 room is a 3:15 ratio. In this class our teachers work on table manners, potting training, structured play time and establishing daily routine. The children in our Toddler 2 room participate in circle time, story time, daily art and much more.
Cost of care:
Little Flower is $495.00 every 2 weeks.
3 yr old's
Typically our 3 year old children are split between the Toddler 2 room and our preschool room. This is just based off either their birthdays or what is best for the child developmentally. When in the Preschool room our 3 year olds work on social skills, sensory play, music and movement, art and science. The teachers in this class work on sharing, being respectful to others.
Cost of Care:
Little Flower is $480.00 every 2 weeks.
4 yr old's
Typically our 4 year old children are split between the Preschool room and our Kinder room. This is just based off either their birthdays or what is best for the child developmentally. When in the Preschool room children work on social skills, sensory play, music and movement, art and science. The teachers in this class work on sharing, being respectful and establishing good hygiene habits like hand washing skills.
Cost of Care:
Little Flower is $470.00 every 2 weeks.
5+ yr old's
Children who are 5 and older are in our Kinder room. Here they work on name writing, letters (sight and sounds), math, science and reading. Our teachers work with children on scissor skills, holding pencils, upper and lower case letters and much more. You can expect your child to have a day filled with lots of hands on activates, outdoor play, sensory play and lots of classroom choices for "free time".
Cost of Care:
Little Flower is $460.00 every 2 weeks.
The Learning Tree has truly been an amazing place for my twins. They get excited to go to daycare and come home happy each day. My toddlers have learned a lot of educational things there and are sure developing at the right level. I feel this is all because the staff at the learning tree take the time to teach them. Susan is an amazing director to her staff and kids!!
-Trisha B.